הכרת הספרות המקצועית הבינלאומית העדכנית היא אבן יסוד במחקר אקדמי מתקדם. תרומה חשובה עוד יותר להתפתחותם המקצועית של חוקרים היא המפגש הבלתי אמצעי עם עמיתים מן העולם וחשיפת מחקריהם לביקורת ברמה בינלאומית ולדיונים מקצועיים מפרים ומאירים. חוקרי המכון מפרסמים וחושפים את מחקריהם בכנסים וסדנאות בינלאומיים, וכשהמחקר מסתיים בהצלחה הם מפרסמים אותו בכתבי עת מקצועיים בינלאומיים העוברים רפרנטורה מקצועית קפדנית. חלק ניכר מחוקרי המכון חברים במערכות של כתבי עת. בנוסף לכך החוקרים חברים ופעילים בארגונים מקצועיים בינלאומיים וזוכים להוקרה ולמעמד בכיר בארגונים אלה.
לאחרונה חתם הטכניון, באמצעות המעבדה לבנייה וירטואלית ע"ש ססקין של המכון הלאומי לחקר הבנייה, על הסכם שיתוף פעולה במחקר עם האוניברסיטה הסינית למדע וטכנולוגיה הואצונג (HUST), באמצעות מרכז ה-BIM שלה.
NBRI Members
K. Kovler, A. Dancyger, A. Shapira, D. Yankelevsky (Fellow) | (ACI (American Concrete Institute |
A. Dancyger, O. Lavan, D. Yankelevsky (Fellow), | ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) |
K. Voloch | ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
K. Voloch | American Chemical Society – Rubber Division |
R. Becker (Ex Board member & Vice President), A. Katz, Y. Rosenfeld (Ex Board member), R. Sacks | CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) |
O. Lavan | EAEE (European Association of Earthquake Engineering) |
V Feldgun, O. Lavan | ECCOMAS (European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences) |
K. Voloch | EUROMECH (European Mechanics Society) |
A. Dancyger (Israel's Delegate) | FIB (The International Federation for Structural Concrete) |
R. Becker (Board member) | IABP (International Association of Building Physics) |
O. Lavan | IACM (International Association for Computational Mechanics) |
D. Yankelevsky (Israel's Delegate) | IAEE (International Association of Earthquake Engineering) |
Y. Karinski, V Feldgun, D. Yankelevsky (Vice President), | IAPS (International Association of Protective Structures) |
E. Levenberg | ICRI (International Concrete Repair Institute) |
E. Levenberg | IRF (International Road Federation) |
E. Levenberg | ISAP (The International Society for Asphalt Pavements) |
S. Frydman | ISSMGE (International Society for Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering) |
A. Bentur, E. Levenberg, A. Katz, K. Kovler (Fellow), | RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) |
NBRI Members | Journal Editorial Board |
E. Levenberg | Advances in Civil Engineering Materials |
K. Kovler | Cement and Concrete Composites |
D. Yankelevsky | Engineering Structures |
R. Becker |
International Journal of Building Physics |
D. Yankelevsky | International Journal of Impact engineering |
D. Yankelevsky | International Journal of Protective Structures |
E. Levenberg | International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology |
K.Kovler | International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) |
K. Kovler | Materials and Structures |
K. Voloch (Editor in Chief) | Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics |
S. Frydman | Soils & Foundations |
NBRI Members | Committee |
K. Kovler | ACI Technical Committee 236 Material Science of Concrete |
A. Shapira | ACI Technical Committee 347 Formwork for Concrete |
D. Yankelevsky | ACI Technical Committee 352 |
D. Yankelevsky | ACI Technical Committee 370 |
D. Yankelevsky | ACI Technical Committee 408 |
D. Yankelevsky | ACI Technical Committee 444 |
D. Yankelevsky | ACI Technical Committee 445 |
O. Lavan | ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI): Dynamic Effects Technical Administrative Committee |
O. Lavan | ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI): Seismic Effects Committee, the Structural Control and Sensing Committee, and the Disproportionate Collapse Committee |
O. Lavan (Chair) | ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI): Structural Dynamics Sub-Committee |
K. Voloch | ASME Technical Committee: Soft Materials |
R. Becker | CIB W040: Heat and Moisture Transfer in Buildings |
K. Kovler (Co-Chair of Working Group 4 "Improving radiological impact assessment models") | COST Action "NORM FOR BUILDING MATERIALS - NETWORK" [NORM4BUILDING]: Management Committee of the European Concerted Research Action |
O. Lavan | EAEE Executive Committee of Work Group 8 (WG8): Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures |
E. Levenberg | ISAP Working Group No. 3 - Constitutive Modeling of Asphaltic Mixes |
A. Katz | ISO TC71/SC8: Environmental management for concrete and concrete structures |
K.Kovler (Secretary) | RILEM Educational Activities Committee (EAC) |
A. Katz (Chair) | RILEM Technical Committee EEC: Environmental evaluation of concrete structures toward sustainable construction |
E. Levenberg | RILEM Technical Committee 206 Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials |
K. Kovler (Founder) | RILEM Technical Committee SHC-221 Self-Healing of Concrete |
K. Kovler | RILEM Technical Committee SAP-225 Application of Super Absorbent Polymers in Concrete Construction |
E. Levenberg | RILEM Technical Committee 237-SIB Testing and Characterization of Sustainable Innovative Bituminous Materials and Systems |
K.Kovler | RILEM Technical Committee SCM-238 Hydration and Microstructure of Concrete with Supplementary Cementitious Materials |
E. Levenberg | TRB, AFK50 Characteristics of Bituminous Paving Mixtures to Meet Structural Requirements |